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How this site works

And who we are...

Fandependent is a Film Festival Competition

Discover new, awesome short films. Support the films and filmmakers you love by Becoming a Fan. The films with the most support win.


Jan - Mar


Apr - Jun


Jul - Sep


Oct - Dec

We have 4 film festivals a year

A new film every day

Every day at 7pm CST we will premier one new film.

Free to watch

Yup. Every film on our site is free to watch. No logins or accounts needed. What's cooler than that?!

Become a Fan

Each film gets a 3-week run. Support the films and filmmakers you love by Becoming a Fan before their run is over.

Help Films Win

The top films win awards and a sweet trophy. It's not an Oscar but it's the next best thing.
Set-Cookie: SELECT F.title, F.year, DATE_FORMAT(F.endsubmit, '%a, %b %e, %Y'), F.cssclass, TO_DAYS(F.wrapdate) - TO_DAYS(F.startdate) - 21 + 1 as films FROM festivals F WHERE F.festivalID= LIMIT 1 Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 06:53:49 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Opps... Something must be wrong!